All the World’s a Stage:
Global Shakespeare in Romania

The Office of Study Away at Virginia Union University will be responsible for organizing the faculty-led program titled “All the World’s a Stage: Global Shakespeare in Romania,” led by Dr. Rick St. Peters.
The primary objective of this program is to cultivate global citizenship among students through the medium of global theatre. The Festival International Shakespeare exhibits variation in each iteration, owing to the diverse topics and participating countries. Consequently, attending students may anticipate a distinct experience each time, fostering global competency via the medium of theatre.
OSA|SA4711s mission to infuse affordability with full intercultural immersion in the ever-evolving world of international education for all students, giving them the opportunity to fathom their journeys as they embark on a globalized workforce.
The Craiova International Shakespeare Festival has been in existence since 1994. The International Shakespeare Festival in Romania was founded in Craiova, in 1994 and for the first five editions took place every three years. Since 2006, it has taken place every two years. This Festival gives opportunity for theatre professionals and audiences to compare, discuss, comment, and debate. The Festival also includes seminars and conferences; workshops on acting, directing, design and criticism; film projections of famous performances; symphonic concerts; theatre design, painting, photographic and philatelic exhibitions, as well as theatre book and DVD launches.
Faculty Led
Faculty Lead: Dr. Rick St. Peter, Assistant Professor of Theatre and Theatre Program Coordinator has been affiliated with the Craiova International Shakespeare Festival since 2014. Additionally, he served as a Fulbright Scholar to the University of Craiova during the 2016-17 academic year where he taught and guest directed for the University of Craiova and the Romanian National Theatre in Craiova. Dr. St. Peter is a member of the European Shakespeare Research Association and regularly presents at the Festival.
May 12 – June 10, 2024